Friday, October 12, 2012

working hard

We've had a busy week, but I don't really feel as if we have gotten much done around here.  There's been a lot of running around town and several errands completed.  Doctor's appointment on Tuesday and LP on Thursday.  Flu shots on Thursday afternoon - don't even get me started on that one.  Today was a good day to just relax, get a few things done around the house and enjoy a pretty easy day.  When the older girls got home from school, it was time to head outside with some friends and work those big muscles.

Madi's strength has become next to nothing due to the medications and all her body has gone through.  She has a lot of trouble getting up off the floor and struggles going up the stairs.  (If she goes up stairs by herself, she has to crawl.)  We are so incredibly proud of her determination to keep her independence, though.  She is not content to just sit back and let us do everything for her.  She only calls for help if she absolutely has no other choice.  We love the fact that she is a fighter - in big and small ways!  She is setting such a good example for so many.

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