Wednesday, October 3, 2012

did you know we have other kids?!

Silly question perhaps. But, with our focus on Madeline at this time, it can be hard to give the others the attention they need.  This is something we are working to balance in the family.  It really helps that our other kids are very concerned about Madi's welfare and don't seem to be upset with the situation - too often.  :)

Anyway.  We thought we would share Liv's 4th birthday with you.  While birthdays are typically low key around here, this was especially.  We decided to take her over to the American Girl Doll store and let her spend her birthday money on the doll of her choice - Julie.  We then came home with a cake and celebrated before bedtime.  Since today is Wednesday and things tend to be crazy getting out the door in time for church services, celebrating a day early made sense.

Happy Birthday, Liv!  We love you very much!


In other news.  Several people have asked us about our financial situation.  We are very blessed to have great insurance through Kevin's employer.  Medical bills are starting to come in, but there is an out of pocket cap on both medical and prescriptions.  I set up a page titled 'donations' so everyone could see some other areas that might be worthy of your donations.  The first two are families that we know personally who are struggling.  The rest are organizations we have been on the receiving end of.  Funny how you never realized how important it is for the blood bank to have blood and platelets until your child is in need of them.  Did you know platelets are only good for 5 days?  Kevin is going to be giving on a much more regular basis now.  :)

Also, please say a prayer for Madi.  Right now one of the side effects of her medicine is severe constipation.  Many tears have been shed this morning because of the pain she is in.


Larissa Holland said...

First of all, Happy happy birthday, Livvy! What a sweet face, and great choice of doll. I wish I could have a piece of that cake. Man, that looks good.
We pray every day for Madi! I'm so sorry about the side effect. I'm sure that is miserable on top of everything else! Ah, I just hate this. Does the side effect lessen with time? May I recommend fish oil? LOL. Seems to have a magical effect on the girls that way, even though we don't use it for that.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I continue to pray for your entire family. You may want to try Miralax for Madi's side effects. Syrenia took it for prob 6 mo for constipation and it just works very naturally in children. Would be worth a try. God Bless!!!!

Unknown said...

I have a few suggestions that we use with little ones in our clinic that may help. They are all natural and worth a shot.

1) Chiropractic adjustments... works wonders and helpful at stimulating the immune system as well
2) reduce or eliminate dairy, refined sugars and processed foods
3) warm baths with epsom salt or magnesium salt
4) probiotics (Kombucha tea is a new favorite source of these for me)
5) clockwise massage on abdomen with lavender or mandarin essential oils
6) Slippery elm powder helps moisten the large intestine.

Hopefully one of these will help your little one.