Wednesday, October 17, 2012

first day of school

That's right.... Madi is back at school!!!  How amazing is that?!

I loaded all the kids up and headed to the school Monday morning to drop the oldest 3 off for the day.  I fully expected to get a call from the school saying Madi was ready to come home around noon, but she made it through the WHOLE day.  She was even able to tough it out Tuesday, too!  Today her cold has finally brought her down with a stuffy head and sore throat.  I'm so proud of her for pushing herself to do all that she is able!

For those days Madi isn't able to make it in, we are doing a few things at home to keep her learning skills sharp.  Soon she will be able to participate in the Homebound Schooling our district provides.  (I cannot say enough good things about the school and faculty at Geggie.)

Tomorrow we have another LP scheduled and chemo will be administered at that time, too.  Keep up the prayers, they definitely make a difference. 


Larissa Holland said...

Wow! Way to go, Madi! I can't believe she went all day! Love you guys! Keep the updates coming, we really appreciate them. Sending so many hugs...

ksmile said...

Great news! We've been praying for Madi and your family. Hope progress keeps coming.
