Monday, March 11, 2013

perfect attendance and a delay

Last week, Madi had zero appointments.  Even better?  She was strong enough to attend school every day that week.  This is her first full week of school since August!!  Out of curiosity, I looked at her attendance record online - she has missed 266 days this year.  Not the kindergarden year we had planned, but better than it could have been.

We're learning to take the bad with any good that comes our way on this journey.  Unfortunately, Madi has a delay in treatments right now.  She went in Saturday morning to get her chemo.  All of her treatments are count dependent because of the level of methotrexate she will receive.  Platelets have to be 50k and she was at 44k.  We'll be heading back in on Wednesday of this week to see if her numbers have gone up.  If not, she will receive the vincristine she needs and we will schedule another date to receive the methotrexate.  Dr. Rob has assured us that this is 'normal'.  Just a little bump in the long road she is on.

Madi has started back on physical therapy sessions.  It's amazing how much this helps her fight the side effects the medicines have on her body.  While she might not get sick, her balance is a little off, her muscles are weakened and the ligaments in her legs tighten up.  All things that can be fixed.  (We've become very grateful for modern medicine and heath insurance over the past several months.)  She enjoys the challenge PT gives her and she loves her therapist.  Win-Win.

Keep praying!  If those numbers can get up where they need to be, we can keep treatments going.


Freedom1 said...

I hesitate to make any suggestions because cancer treatments change so many things, but in the case, I am going to stick my nose in. My granddaughter's friend at school had a brain tumor and they struggled to keep her platelets at the threshold they needed to be for chemo. Melissa found that flax seed oil really helped and any way you could get green leafy veggies in was a boost. Her daughter liked fresh spinach. I pray for Madi often. I worship with Jeff and Melissa in Marion.

Larissa Holland said...

Hey, Jess, so it is just like your previous post said, no surprises there, but I know you don't like the delays! I know her numbers will rise to where they need to be. We are still praying! We love you guys!