Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Madi started her second week of four consecutive days of chemotherapy today.  It's amazing how well her little body holds up to everything that is thrown her way.  She was able to spend the whole day at school yesterday-  she was very tired, but still in good spirits by the time she got home.  We even took some time for a quick trip to the library right after I picked the kids up from school.

Today, Madi was accessed, CBC done, AraC push received and then a line left in like last week.  A pretty quick trip overall.  Just before we were able to get out the door and get Madi to school, her CBC results came back.  Her hemoglobin is down to 7.5, so she will be getting a bag of blood tomorrow as well as her chemo.  She still went to school today - she had some painting she couldn't miss out on.

Keep the prayers coming.  We really appreciate everyone helping us through all of this.  Your comments and prayers really help to keep us positive!

1 comment:

Larissa Holland said...

I stand in awe of the resilience of youth! She went to school after all that?!
Way to go, Madi. Thumbs up from here. You are right, I wouldn't want to miss painting either! Art was my favorite class.