Saturday, December 22, 2012

last treatment of '12

Madi had her last treatment for this year on the 18th.  Her numbers have remained up enough to keep receiving her treatments, which is a huge blessing.  She's been more tired lately, which is understandable.  I've also noticed a bit more bruising, which we just have to keep an eye on to make sure they show signs of healing.

We've been very proud of her determination to still go to school as often as she can.  I rarely ask her how she is feeling of a morning.  Maybe that sounds a bit callous.  However, I've found that if she doesn't think about it or dwell on the possibility of not feeling well,  she feels good most of the time.  As with most 5 yr olds, she isn't shy about letting me know if she truly doesn't feel well.  After treatment on the 18th she was too worn out to finish the school day.  I guess she knew what she was talking about.


Along with being more tired than usual, Madi is a bit more emotional.  Little things will get the tears flowing.  I've also had to calm some small fears and help her to realize she won't break if she does get hurt.
Who can blame the little girl?!  (Although, the whining can be a bit excessive.)  We are trying to minimize her desire to manipulate family situations to fit her wants.  I'm sure we give in a bit more often these days, though.  When you have 4 other kids, you toe the line to limit the potential for resentment.  It's something that is very hard as a parent.  We also have to be careful that we don't allow the other kids to get the upper hand and work situations too much to their benefit.  Some days are easier than others.  Some days I feel like I'm caught in a meat grinder.  Fortunately, we have some really good kids with compassionate hearts who are willing to learn how to best serve others.  Lots of extra learning experiences for all of us.

On a separate note - Kevin and I were the recipients of an anonymous gift the other day.  We did want to be able to extend a huge 'Thank You!' to whomever and let them know how much we appreciate this.  It's been set aside to use toward gas after our holiday travels are done and we are once again going back and forth to the Pratt Center.  Such a blessing!!

1 comment:

Larissa Holland said...

I really appreciate your struggle to maintain a normal family life and take undo focus off the negative since this is a very long haul. By the way, you are AWESOME, has anyone told you that lately? I know you are doing a fabulous job with the balance. Not many parents I know have the fortitude and level headedness that you guys have. Once again I'm thinking how lucky Madi and ALL your kids are to have you for parents. Keep on keepin' on! We are still praying!