Tuesday, November 6, 2012

physical therapy

Madi got to add physical therapy to her 'to do' list for the week.  Laying around for a little over a month depleted her leg and core muscle strength to the point that a little help was needed.  Last week she refused to do about half of what the therapist asked her to do during her evaluation.  Lovely.  This week went much better, once I got her detached from my leg, and she was even talking at the end of the session.
 Most of what Madi is to work on centers around propulsion - jumping, skipping, climbing stairs/rock walls, running.  She also gets to work on balance and a lot of exercises to help her tummy and back muscles firm up- wheelbarrow, crab walk, balancing on one foot.  Today was a lot of fun for her and she seems excited to go back next week.  Hopefully, that will be the case when that day roles around.

Sawyer slept through most of the appointment.

Since some of the schools are polling locations, the kids had the day off.  I'm often grateful that we have some pretty well behaved kids.  (They still will be little stinkers at times, but, overall, they give us little trouble.  In public.)  Many times it is just easier for me to load all the kids up and take them with me rather than find a babysitter.  Easier, not quicker.  Voting went so well, I treated the kids to their choice of drink at McDonald's.  Did you know drinks easily add $8+ to our total?  Yep.  Big treat for my kids since they usually get to choose water or water.  :)
I had one gentleman come up to me, complement me on how good the kids were and then promptly tell me he wouldn't trade places with me for anything in the world.  Ha!  That's quite all right.  I'm happy to keep my lot in life.  Very happy.


Anonymous said...

I love your usual drink choices--water or water. Those have always been our choices, as well--water or ice water.

~Dawn Thompson

Anonymous said...

What a fun room to 'play' in...can I climb the rock wall too? ;) Keep up the good work Madi!

So glad voting went well...I had 1:20 wait, hope yours wasn't so long.

We ALWAYS get water when eating out and have...forever (unless soda was free for some reason)-Kudos to big savings!

It was fun fellowshipping with your family Sunday night; looking forward to more times together~ Shauna

Max Moreno said...

Great post! Let me share you something about the benefits of physical therapy education which include the intrinsic rewards of life as a PTA. In other words, you are helping people each and every day of your career, and having a direct role in. You gotta see this for the details.