Some 'thank you' gifts for participating.
Practice run.
The lunch menu. (Really good!)
A short video of her walking. As you can see, she kept her eyes on me the whole time.
Lunch finale - dancing to "What does the Fox Say?".
Sacked out in our room between shows.
Behind the scenes waiting for her turn.
A visit from Fred Bird.
Her favorite outfit of the day.
The day was full! We had to be at the Ritz Carlton (yep, swanky) at 9am to start the day and didn't leave until about 9 that night. There was a break from 2-5; but, she spent part of that in the hotel pool. There were some separation anxieties to deal with before each show, but we were able to work out a compromise each time. (The evening compromise meant I didn't get to eat supper.) Kevin wasn't able to make it to the lunch show because of being out of town. However, he did drive 5 hours to get there in time for the evening show. She positively glowed when Kevin walked in our room just in time to change clothes and head right back out the door.
All the kids did such a great job. There were 50 tables with 12 people per table... and.... both shows were sold out! Amazing!
We're so glad Friends of Kids gave us this amazing opportunity to help them raise money to help some very special kids have a more 'normal' life while being treated for a horrible disease. Madi is learning how to make a difference at a very young age!